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以下是 观火背调 的与众不同之处:

1. 技术专长

观火背调 以技术创新而著称,这些技术使背景调查过程更快、更准确,并且使用我们基于网络和移动设备的平台更易于管理。我们的独立软件应用程序 观火背调 Enterprise 为我们的客户提供全面、易于使用的解决方案,提供您所需的功能:

  • 订单管理

  • 决策支持

  • 用户管理

  • 合规管理

  • 报告和分析

借助观火背调,组织可以通过一个基于 Web 的平台来管理和实施他们的就业筛查计划,包括背景、药物和健康筛查。观火背调 旨在灵活和可扩展,以适应大型复杂组织的多用户、多办公室、多地域需求。

观火背调 的合规中心解决方案在我们的企业解决方案的一个中心位置汇总了重要的合规情报和对影响就业筛选的问题和法规的分析。它提供以下功能:

  • Littler Mendelson 提供的合规新闻和内容,该国领先的劳动律师事务所之一

  • 访问我们完全可搜索的合规文档库

  • 可供订阅的丰富站点摘要 (RSS) 提要

  • 能够联系 Littler Mendelson 律师事务所以获取更多信息和指导

2. 行业与所有领先申请人跟踪系统最完整的集成关系

超过 2,400 名 观火背调 客户依赖于我们的预集成筛选解决方案。我们的标志性平台与领先的 ATS 技术比竞争技术更好地集成,使我们最大的客户能够更快、更好、更轻松地进行招聘。

3. 覆盖全球 240 多个国家和地区

随着当今全球化的劳动力,对于具有跨国利益的大公司来说,与可以访问来自世界各地的重要背景调查信息的筛选领导者合作至关重要。观火背调 在 240 多个国家和地区提供筛选功能,可以用 20 多种语言与求职者沟通。


  • 英国

  • 波兰

  • 香港

  • 在印度和菲律宾的其他附属运营中心

我们很自豪还能在 50 多个国家/地区提供免费电话支持

观火背调 提供全面且高度协调的全球计划,以满足当今的招聘需求。

4. 出色的候选人体验

为候选人提供顺畅的招聘体验会提高候选人的满意度。为了帮助消除背景调查中的焦虑,观火背调提供了专门的候选人护理团队和教育功能,以及包括我们的移动优先申请人中心在内的解决方案。我们通过内容强化了这一点,以帮助候选人在通常令人困惑的被录用过程中导航。我们努力的结果?我们筛选的候选人的满意度为 95%。

  • 视频

  • 提示单

  • 博客

5. 药物和健康筛查服务专长

在我们自己的内部医学审查官的指导下,观火背调 提供全面的药物检测、酒精检测和身体检查服务。观火背调 拥有超过 25 年的药物和健康筛查经验,利用我们由 20,000 多个合作伙伴收集站点组成的庞大供应商网络,帮助公司简化其药物和健康筛查计划。我们提供电子监管链解决方案,并且是业内首家提供礼宾级全面协调服务以简化订购和项目管理的公司。我们还提供以下关键服务:

  • 具有在线实时状态更新的在线药物和健康检查计划

  • 稳健的管理报告

  • 完全集成的背景和药物筛查报告,一张发票

  • 测试结果的 CoC 表格图像

出于这些和许多其他原因,全球企业级企业依赖 观火背调 来创建和维持高效、彻底、合规且对候选人友好的背景调查计划。

Here’s what sets HireRight apart:

1. Technology Expertise

HireRight has distinguished itself for innovation in technology that makes the background check process faster, more accurate, and simpler to manage using our web-based and mobile-enabled platform. Our standalone software application, HireRight Enterprise, provides our customers with a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution that offers the functionality you need:

  • Order management

  • Decision support

  • User management

  • Compliance management

  • Reporting and analytics

With HireRight Enterprise, organizations can manage and conduct their employment screening program, including background and drug and health screening, through a single, Web-based platform. HireRight Enterprise is designed to be flexible and scalable to accommodate the multi-user, multi-office, multi-geography needs of large, complex organizations.

HireRight’s Compliance Central solution aggregates important compliance intelligence and analysis on issues and regulation affecting employment screening in a central location on our Enterprise solution. It offers the following features:

  • Compliance news and content provided by Littler Mendelson, one of the country’s leading labor law firms

  • Access to our fully searchable Compliance Document Library

  • Rich Site Summary (RSS) feeds available for subscription

  • Ability to contact the law firm of Littler Mendelson for further information and guidance

2. Industry’s Most Fully Integrated Relationships with All Leading Applicant Tracking Systems

More than 2,400 HireRight customers depend on our pre-integrated screening solutions. Our signature platforms integrate with leading ATS technology better than competing technology, enabling our largest clients to hire faster, better, and easier.

3. Global Reach in More Than 240 Countries and Territories

With today’s globalized workforce, it’s essential for large firms with multinational interests to partner with a screening leader that can access crucial background check information from around the world. HireRight’s offers screening capabilities in more than 240 countries and territories, and can communicate with job candidates in more than 20 languages.

To provide assistance for our many global clients, and offer availability during business hours in local times zones, we operate account support offices in the following areas:

  • UK

  • Poland

  • Hong Kong

  • Additional affiliate operating centers in India and the Philippines

We’re proud to also offer toll-free phone support in more than 50 countries

HireRight delivers a comprehensive and highly-coordinated worldwide program to address today’s hiring requirements.

4. Exceptional Candidate Experience

A smooth hiring experience for candidates results in greater candidate satisfaction. To help take the anxiety out of a background check, HireRight offers a dedicated candidate care team and educational features, and solutions including our mobile-first Applicant Center. We reinforce this with content to help candidates navigate the often confusing process of getting hired. The result of our efforts? A 95% satisfaction rate among candidates we’ve screened.

  • Videos

  • Tip sheets

  • Blogs

5. Drug and Health Screening Services Expertise

Under the direction of our own in-house Medical Review Officers, HireRight provides a full service offering for drug testing, alcohol testing, and physical examinations. With more than 25 years of experience conducting drug and health screens, HireRight helps companies streamline their drug and health screening programs using our vast provider network of more than 20,000 partner collection sites. We offer an Electronic Chain of Custody solution and are the first in the industry to offer concierge-level Full Coordination Services to simplify ordering and program management. We also provide these critical services:

  • Online drug and health screening scheduling with online real-time status updates

  • Robust management reports

  • Fully integrated background and drug screen reports with one invoice

  • CoC form images for test results

For these and many other reasons, Enterprise-caliber businesses worldwide depend on HireRight to create and sustain an efficient, thorough, compliant, and candidate-friendly background check program.

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