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除了在 10 月份看到一位热心的邻居布置他的圣诞装饰品之外,假期最令人不安的方面是零售商急于雇用精灵临时工来应对假期高峰。一些企业可能希望通过不对临时工进行背景调查来扮演吝啬鬼。毕竟,它们很快就会消失,几乎不值得投资,对吗?


  • 在假期期间,可能没有稳定工作并且手头拮据的临时工可能会想要追求您的资源。

  • Temps 对您的公司没有既得利益,也没有忠诚度。

  • 增加且经常疯狂的购物可能会使偷窃更容易不被发现。


  1. 临时员工可能与全职员工一样可以访问您的企业数据、现金和客户。2017 年,盗窃、欺诈、文书工作错误和其他来源造成的损失使企业损失 468 亿美元;员工或内部盗窃占零售总额的 33%。检查所有工人的背景,帮助减少损失。举个例子:一位 观火背调 客户发现,公司在背景调查上每花 1 美元,就可以节省 15 美元。

  2. 可以访问信用卡和借记卡号码以及其他敏感信息的员工也可以对重要客户造成严重破坏,耗尽银行账户,刷爆信用卡并以购物者的名义开设新卡。2017 年, 身份欺诈创历史新高 ,美国受害者达 1670 万,损失达 168 亿美元。

  3. 您可能会认为该临时员工的工作非常出色,以至于您想聘用他们作为组织的永久成员。已经进行了背景调查将使过渡过程更快,而且知道他们已经过筛选,您可能会感到更自在。许多组织甚至将他们的“临时到烫发”过渡视为重新筛选的里程碑机会,以确保自他们被引入以来没有发生任何事情。

好消息是越来越多的零售专业人士意识到现在是筛选临时工的季节:来自观火背调 2018 年基准报告的数据 发现,84% 的受访者正在进行背景调查,而六年前这一比例仅为 41%。

从长远来看,在繁忙的假日购物季之前筛选临时工将大有作为。与鲁道夫非常相似,观火背调 可以帮助指引方向。


elves temporary workers to handle the holiday rush. Some businesses may want to play Scrooge by not conducting background checks on temps. After all, they’ll be gone soon and are hardly worth the investment, right?

So. Terribly. Wrong. Consider:

  • During the holidays, temps who may not have steady work and be strapped for cash, may be tempted to go after your resources.

  • Temps have no vested interest in, or loyalty to, your company.

  • Increased and often frantic shopping may make stealing without being noticed much easier.

Don’t be naughty. Be nice and check this list twice:

  1. Temporary employees may have the same access to your business’s data, cash and customers as full-time employees. Losses from theft, fraud, paperwork errors and other sources cost businesses $46.8 billion in 2017; employee or internal theft accounted for 33% of total retail shrinkage. Help cut your losses by checking all workers’ backgrounds. Case in point: One HireRight customer found that for every dollar the company spent on background checks, another $15 were saved in shrinkage.

  2. Employees with access to credit and debit card numbers, and other sensitive information also have the access to wreak havoc on valued customers, draining bank accounts, maxing out credit cards and opening new cards in shoppers’ names. In 2017, identity fraud hit a record high with 16.7 million U.S. victims and losses amounting to $16.8 billion.

  3. You may decide that that temporary employee is doing such a good job that you’d like to hire them as a permanent member of your organization. Having already run a background check will make the transition process faster, and you’ll probably feel more comfortable knowing they’ve already been screened.  Many organizations even consider their “temp-to-perm” transition as a milestone opportunity to rescreen, just to make sure nothing has transpired since they were brought onboard.

The good news is that more retail professionals are realizing ‘tis the season to screen temporary workers: Data from HireRight’s 2018 Benchmark Report found that 84% of survey respondents are conducting background checks, up from only 41% six years ago.

Screening temporary workers prior to the busy holiday shopping season will go far in the long run. And much like Rudolph, HireRight can help guide the way.

For more on seasonal, non-employee staff, and many other topics, see our Resource Library.
