为了帮助您入门,我们的团队收集了 4 种在您的招聘工作中利用社交媒体的最佳方式。
1. 测试哪个频道效果最好
社交媒体渠道的机会是无穷无尽的,但请注意您如何在每个渠道上花费时间。不同的社交网络因不同的原因为您的招聘过程提供价值。例如,Facebook 可能是筛选适合文化的候选人的好方法,而 LinkedIn 最适合技能组合。一个网络可能会产生更高质量的候选人,而其他网络则致力于提升您的雇主品牌。
2 . 始终将雇主品牌放在首位
3 . 不要因为个人资料而放弃面试
根据社会概况判断候选人很容易,但除非他们做了非法或道德上有问题的事情(例如,种族主义评论将是一个危险信号),否则您很可能没有形成意见所需的所有信息。想一想:有些候选人可能多年没有更新他们的个人资料。他们的个人资料照片是一个有趣的聚会。这并不意味着他们每个周末都聚会。因此,更加重视职业档案 (LinkedIn) 以及他们在那里管理自己的方式。在做出决定之前,与您有疑问的人进行面谈并了解全局。
4. 采取有针对性的方法
1. Test Which Channel Works Best
The opportunities are endless with social media channels, but be mindful of how you spend your time on each. Different social networks provide value to your recruiting process for different reasons. For example, Facebook may be a great way to screen candidates for culture fit, while LinkedIn is best for skill set fit. It's possible one network yields higher quality candidates, while others work to improve your employer brand.
2 . Always Keep Employer Brand Front of Mind
Social Media is a powerful tool that can help your candidates understand your company culture better. How do you interact with customers online? What are current employees saying about you? How do current employees behave online? What are your company's priorities on each channel? Are you a thought leader, a scrappy startup, or a long-standing corporate firm? All of these questions and more can be answered for your candidates through different social networks. This keeps your talent pool full of qualified, culture-fit candidates.
3 . Don't Forgo an Interview Because of a Personal Profile
It is easy to judge a candidate based on a social profile, but unless they have done something illegal or morally questionable (racist comments would be a red flag for example), chances are you do not have all the information needed to form an opinion. Think about this: some candidates may not have updated their personal profile in years. Their profile photo is of a fun party. That doesn't mean they party every weekend. So, put more weight on the professional profile (LinkedIn) and how they manage themselves there. Interview the people you have questions about and get the bigger picture before making a decision.
4. Take a Targeted Approach
Social Media has provided the world with an enormous amount of data about the people we live and work with every day. Utilize this data by creating targeted ads for open jobs that need to be filled. You can choose to target your jobs by segmenting on demographic, location, and more. By placing targeted ads, you are more likely to reach the candidates best suited to the position. Additionally, the data about how your job posting performed will prove valuable for tweaking elements in the future.
How do you leverage social media in your recruitment process today?