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此外,67% 的主动和被动求职者表示,在评估工作机会时,拥有多元化的工作场所很重要(Glassdoor)。当今雇主面临的最大问题是我们如何招聘和维持多元化的劳动力? 





通过在 LinkedIn 上使用提供详细分析数据的广告进行一些关键字研究、优化和测试,并关注劳动力趋势,您可以适当地寻找不同的候选人。






  1. 考虑通过在面试过程之前让他们完成项目来盲目面试候选人。这种类似竞赛的方法允许候选人保持匿名,而您的招聘团队可以挑选出创造最佳工作的候选人。

  2. 尝试不透露姓名的非语言采访过程。Bytemark 公司通过要求早期候选人参加完全通过即时消息工具完成的两步面试过程来做到这一点。没有使用名字,没有看到照片,也没有听到声音。这允许雇主无偏见地评估候选人。只有当候选人通过这些面试时,他们才会被带入面对面的面试。

  3. 加强工作场所的多元化文化

  4. 雇主面临的最大挑战之一是在公司内部培养多元化文化。许多公司表示,多元化的员工队伍对他们很重要,但在实践中并不支持员工队伍的接受度。我们知道这是真的,因为在非多元化行业(例如科技行业)中看到了趋势。事实上,27% 的接受调查的员工报告称,与性别、种族、民族或性取向相关的歧视是他们辞去技术工作的原因。更令人震惊的是,87% 的人表示他们永远不会因此而重返科技行业。通过歧视,即使是无意的,你也会损害员工的潜在价值。您可以通过合并以下提示来解决此问题:

  5. 实施多元化培训计划

  6. 培训员工在无意识偏见造成损害之前抓住它

  7. 以领导为榜样

  8. 展示您在多元化计划中所做的投资

  9. 如果内部文化不接受多样性,即使是最好的多样性努力招聘也会受阻,因此将其作为优先事项。否则,您的招聘工作将一事无成。

  10. 通过将您的雇主品牌重点放在展示您的多元化文化、使用吸引多元化候选人的语言、与不同群体合作以及强调多元化在您的公司文化中的重要性,您将开始看到您收到的合格候选人类型的转变. 招聘多元化并不是招聘过程中容易的一部分,但对公司未来的成功很重要。

  11. Furthermore, 67% of active and passive job seekers have indicated that having a diverse workplace is important when evaluating job offers (Glassdoor). The biggest question employers have today is how do we recruit and maintain a diverse workforce?  

  12. While there are many challenges in building a workforce that is rich in diversity, there are several ways to overcome many of these obstacles through the recruitment process  by being mindful of the current state of affairs and making an effort to market to those who are not represented equally in the workforce.


  14. Alter Your Language to Source for Diverse Candidates

  15. Many existing job titles and descriptions are considerably masculine which can cause women to be averse to applying to your company. For example, “determined” is perceived positively by men, where “dedicated” is more positively received by women. While you may be thinking that you want to diversify, but not discourage men from applying, don’t worry. It has been shown that the language used in job ads that are appealing to women had virtually no influence on a man’s decision to apply.

  16. By doing a bit of keyword research, optimizing and testing using ads on LinkedIn that provide detailed analytical data, and paying attention to trends in the workforce you can source diverse candidates appropriately.


  18. Partner with Diverse Colleges and Universities

  19. Post-secondary educational institutions have always been a great source for recruiting candidates. Diversity statistics for schools are publically available and should be considered when forming partnerships with schools for recruiting purposes. Furthermore, by recruiting from diverse schools you will diversify your workforce by having a younger applicant pool who can be more easily trained to fulfill the needs of your company. This helps balance out the more experienced workers who can act as mentors to new hires.

  20. Remove Your Candidate Bias During the Recruitment Process

  21. In a perfect world, no one would have a bias toward one candidate or another based on human traits out of the candidate’s control. In reality, people unintentionally have these biases due to societal rules and expectations that have been established over years and years of misguidedness. While removing a recruiting bias seems a bit daunting, there are ways that you can effectively incorporate new recruiting methods to help negate these problems.

  22. Consider blind interviewing candidates by having them complete projects prior to the interview process. This contest-like approach allows the candidate to remain anonymous and your recruiting team to pick the candidates who create the best work.

  23. Try a non-verbal interview process that does not disclose names. The company Bytemark has done this by requiring early candidates to attend a two-step interview process done completely through instant messaging tools. No names are used, no photos are seen, and no voices are heard. This allows the employer to evaluate the candidate without bias. Only if the candidate passes these interviews will they be brought in for an in-person interview.


  25. Reinforce a Culture of Diversity in the Workplace

  26. One of the biggest challenges employers face is nurturing a culture of diversity within their company. Many companies state that a diverse workforce is important to them, but the acceptance within the workforce is not supported in practice. We know this is true because of trends seen in non-diverse industries (such as the tech industry). In fact, 27% of employees surveyed reported discrimination related to gender, race, ethnicity, or sexuality as the reason for quitting their tech jobs. Even more shocking, is that 87% stated they would never return to the tech industry because of it. By discriminating, even unintentionally, you hurt the potential value of your workforce. You can fix this problem by incorporating the following tips:

  27. Implement a diversity training program

  28. Train employees to catch unconscious bias before it does damage

  29. Make leadership the example to follow

  30. Showcase the investment you are making in diversity initiatives

  31. Even the best recruitment for diversity efforts can be thwarted if the internal culture is not accepting of diversity, so make it a priority. Otherwise, your recruiting efforts will all be for nothing.

  32. By focusing your employer brand on showcasing your diverse culture, using language that appeals to diverse candidates, partnering with diverse groups, and underscoring the importance of diversity in your company culture, you will start to see a shift in the type of qualified candidates your receive. Hiring for diversity is not an easy part of the recruitment process but is important for the future success of the company.

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