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这些报告由联邦机构监管。事实上,联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) 是围绕这些背景调查执行一系列法律的机构。这个想法是为了确保整个过程顺利进行,没有任何中断,尊重每个参与者的权利。


平等就业机会委员会 (EEOC) 也在那里确保没有歧视。我们已尽一切努力确保围绕这些犯罪记录检查的过程是公平合理的。







获得优秀员工是任何企业成功的基石。无论您是财富 500 强公司还是小型企业,拥有了解您的目标并为之努力的人都至关重要。在法律范围内正确执行的犯罪记录检查是寻找优秀人才的好方法。

These reports are regulated by a federal body. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the agency that enforces a series of laws around these background checks. The idea is to make sure the whole process runs smoothly without any disruptions, respecting the rights of everyone involved.

Fair and Reasonable

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is also there to make sure there’s no discrimination. Every effort has been taken to ensure the process surrounding these criminal record checks is a fair and reasonable one.

Understanding what’s normal and what’s outside of the existing laws is critical for both employees and employers. For example, there are many different rules and regulations around the questions concerning a prospect’s background. However, it’s well within the right of any prospective employer to ask some questions including those about your education and past employment.

Criminal background checks are a critical aspect of the information that can be collected. It’s important to keep in mind that a prospective employer can’t ask for any extra information that’s based on your age or ethnic background. 

Criminal Record Checks and Third-Party Companies

Here’s another interesting tip. If the employer asks for a background check and wants to use a third-party to get the information they need, they’ll have to have your consent. Of course, it’s important here to make sure this third-party understands all the legal obligations involved. For example, our background checks are fully compliant with all human rights as well as national and state privacy legislations.

Our number one priority is providing excellent service to our valued customers. We use all the latest technology and that way we guarantee that we will exceed their expectations.

Making sure that you don’t run afoul of any legislation when you’re an employer looking to put together criminal background checks is essential. Selecting honest and reliable employees is a priority for businesses in every vertical today.

Getting good employees is a cornerstone of any business success. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fortune 500 company or a smaller enterprise, having people who understand and work with your goals is essential. Criminal record checks properly executed within the parameters of the law are a great way to find good people.
