1) 通过申请人跟踪系统 (ATS) 进行简历审查
招聘人员和人力资源专业人士可以期待人力资源技术不断发展的原因之一是,它有助于简化简历审查流程,并可能减少偏见。人工智能 (AI) 是申请跟踪系统 (ATS) 的基础,可帮助招聘经理有效筛选求职者库。考虑到远程招聘通常会在全球范围内扩大您的申请人群,缩小申请范围变得越来越困难。但雇主应该认识到,随着人工智能作为帮助候选人选择工具的工具不断发展,为通过人工智能解决方案筛选的候选人提供保护的法律也是如此,作为招聘过程的一部分。
现在所有工作申请都在线,必须确保公司使用最好的 ATS。招聘人员和招聘经理需要确保应聘者了解编写适合 AI 的简历的重要性。否则,优秀人才可能会被忽视。当您的 ATS 为您工作而不是与您作对时,就有可能在琐碎的任务和筛选候选人上花费更少的时间。相反,您可以在申请审查过程的人为方面进行投资。如果招聘经理可以从一开始就专注于与合格候选人建立关系,那么招聘过程就会更加顺畅。
2) 背景筛选
2020 年,无论您的业务规模或行业如何,很明显,人力资源部门应该为了公司及其员工的利益而利用在线背景调查平台。正如我们之前提到的,在招聘和雇用新员工时,仓促不系统地招募某人是灾难的根源。毫不奇怪,通过在线平台管理的背景筛选是现有的最有用的人力资源技术之一。
3) 视频面试流程
The HR departments that truly succeed will be the ones that embrace the human side of hiring. HR professionals still need to be careful not to lose the personalization of candidates’ experiences throughout the hiring process. From smart video interview practices to thorough background checks, HR teams need to prioritize creating high quality, efficient systems. It’s crucial that the current virtual hiring procedures level up to the quality of previous in-person practices.
Explained below are three aspects of the evolution of technology in the HR industry that are quickly becoming more prevalent thanks to our world working remotely.
1) Resume Review through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
One of the reasons why recruiters and HR professionals can look forward to the continued evolution of HR tech is because it helps streamline the resume review process, and may reduce bias. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the basis of the Application Tracking Systems (ATS) that help Hiring Managers to sift through applicant pools efficiently. Narrowing down applicants is increasingly difficult with remote hiring, considering it often expands your applicant base across the globe. But employers should recognize that as AI grows as a tool to help with the candidate selection tool, so do laws that provide protection for candidates screened through AI solutions as part of the hiring process.
Now that all job applications are online, it’s imperative to ensure companies are using the best possible ATS. Recruiters and hiring managers need to make sure applicants understand the importance of writing an AI-friendly resume. Otherwise, prime talent could likely be overlooked. When your ATS is working for you and not against you, it’s possible to spend less time on menial tasks and filtering candidates. Instead, you can invest in the human side of the application review process. When hiring managers can focus on relationship-building with qualified candidates from the beginning, it allows for a smoother hiring process.
2) Background Screening
In a remote working world, there’s never been a more critical time to use a reliable background screening method. Comprehensive background checks for all new hires, and continuous monitoring of current staff are crucial for any company. As a key part of HR technology’s evolution, background screening managed via an online platform has been steadily growing over the past two decades.
In 2020, regardless of your business size or industry, it’s clear HR departments should be utilizing an online background checking platform for the sake of the company and its employees. As we’ve mentioned before, when it comes to recruiting and hiring new employees, rushing to bring someone on board unsystematically is a recipe for disaster. It’s no surprise background screening managed via an online platform is one of the most instrumental HR technologies to exist.
3) Video Interviewing Processes
Although nothing beats speaking to someone face-to-face, virtual interviewing has its benefits. If a company masters its video interviewing process, it opens up a new set of possibilities for the future. It’s no secret that video interviewing is both an art and a skill. There are times when a candidate is a perfect match for a position but misunderstood interview expectations, leading to a subpar video call that doesn’t showcase their talent.
Implementing clear processes can prevent disorganized or uncomfortable video interviews. Ensuring that your HR team is comfortable troubleshooting virtual interview set-up issues is key. It would make sense to focus less on “testing” candidates during a remote interview with complex or trick questions. Perhaps implement a test assignment for those purposes. The goal is to find talent and set candidates up to succeed. Setting expectations with job candidates upfront can help prevent any avoidable awkwardness. For example, adding a virtual interview prep call and focusing on simulating an in-office experience are some tactics used by the HR team at Bloomberg.
Discussing these three areas of HR’s evolution is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a vast array of technological advancements happening simultaneously in HR departments across the globe, including improvements related to employee reviews and payroll. And while it remains to be seen, this may be a preview to some of the technology companies will continue to rely on in the future.