立即与我们新加坡、香港或中国办事处的 观火背调 顾问联系,了解我们如何帮助您设计背景调查计划,在满足您的预算需求的同时,最大限度地提高每位员工的投资回报。
The reason why I have decided to write this article is because this is a question that always come up in different networking events.
And, the answer is as typical as expected: it depends.
Yet, a background check could range from under one hundred to more than a thousand US dollars depending on your needs and the candidate’s background. Below are three employees which possess very different background and background check requirements:
An entry-level frontline officer in which a bankruptcy record check is sufficient to satisfy the compliance requirement.
A technical manager who has worked in Singapore and United States in which 4 background check service items are required for both countries.
Experienced CEO worked and lived in 6 countries globally and need 8 background check service items per country.
Thus, it is definitely a myth for many small and medium enterprises to think that background check is an expensive exercise only designed for the established organizations. It is also not true that background check should only be applicable for senior executives. Indeed, the background check result adds values to the decision of every hire which in turn minimize any potential risk impact from the wrong hires and lower employee turnover.